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MMA: Bryan Battle Win 14 Seconds Win Against Gabe Green

Bryan Battle’s explosive victory at UFC Charlotte left the hometown crowd roaring with excitement as he dispatched Gabe Green in just 14 seconds with a devastating first-round knockout.

Green came out of the gate with a flurry of punches, attempting to catch Battle off guard and gain an early advantage.

However, “The Butcher” remained composed and quickly found his rhythm, launching a series of powerful strikes in response.

It was a perfectly timed right hook that ultimately proved the difference-maker, connecting with Green’s chin and sending him crashing to the canvas in a heap.

With this resounding victory, Battle has cemented his status as a rising star in the UFC. His fans will surely be eager to see what he has in store for his next fight.

As soon as Green hit the canvas, the referee quickly intervened to halt the fight. Bryan erupted in celebration, basking in the glory of his stunning victory in front of his hometown crowd.

With adrenaline still coursing through his veins, Battle couldn’t help but revel at the moment, exclaiming, “I was made in Charlotte! I was never going to lose here.”

His confidence and skill were fully displayed as he quickly dispatched Green. He proved himself to be a force to be reckoned with in the UFC.

What Exactly Happened?

The fight got off to an explosive start as Green wasted no time in launching his first attack just five seconds after the gloves touched.

However, his aggressive approach proved to be his downfall. Battle responded with lightning-fast strikes, catching Green off guard and sending him crashing to the canvas just six seconds later.

Despite Green’s head bouncing off the mat, the referee took an additional two to three seconds to intervene and stop the fight.

The swift and devastating finish showcased “Pooh Bear’s” incredible power and precision. This left the crowd in awe of his skill in the Octagon.

Battle’s awe-inspiring knockout victory was the result of a blistering exchange with Green along the fence.

After trading blows for a few seconds, Battle found an opening and unleashed a single devastating punch that left Green unconscious on the canvas.

The electrifying finish brought Battle to tears as he soaked in the cheers of the hometown crowd.

Speaking in the post-fight interview, Battle issued a warning to his future opponents. He stated that they should be wary of his knockout power.
